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Summer registration opens March 3rd at 8:30am!


Having fun at camp.

The Watersports Camp makes financial assistance available to families in need every year. Eligible families may qualify for up to two weeks of financial assistance per child based on demand. Maximum financial aid award is 95%.

The applications will be considered in the order received and based on need. There are a limited amount of camperships available, so please apply early.

How to Apply:

  1. Download and complete a Campership Application.
  2. Verify your income through either documents listed under Express Method, or Traditional Method as detailed on the application.
  3. Submit your completed application and income verfication documents to The Watersports Camp via email (, fax (858-488-9625), or mail (1001 Santa Clara Place, San Diego, CA 92109). 
  4. Allow 4-6 weeks for your application to be processed and our Camp Administrator will reach out to you if you qualify.

Traditional Verification:

Traditional verification of income requires you to submit documentation of income including a recent tax return, two most recent pay stubs, or other income verification if applicable (Unemployment Benefits, SSI, Disability Statement). Please redact personal infomation from these documents before submitting (SSN numbers, address, account numbers, etc.)

Express Verification:

We encourage applicants receiving aid from county or state agencies who have already undergone a thorough income verification process to use Express Verification. We will require current documentation (within one year) of the following for express verification.

If you have already applied for and received a letter of eligibility from the YMCA that document is best to use for Express Verification. PLEASE NOTE: The percentage of financial aid you are eligible for from the YMCA is not the percentage you wil qualify for at The Watersports Camp (you will typically qualify for a higher percentage at The Watersports Camp).

If you have not previously applied for YMCA finacial assistanvce than please submit one of the documents listed below. If you have more than one, please submit the doument ranked highest on the list to maxize your eligibility.

  1. Cash Aid (CalWorks)
  2. Federal Free or Reduced School Lunch
  3. Medi-Cal
  4. CalFresh (CalWorks)
  5. WIC Statement
  6. HUD/Section 8
Learning to sail.


If you would like to make a tax deducatble donation to Send a Kid 2 Camp please contact us at

Camperships at The Watersports Camp are made possible through grants provided by The Department of Parks and Recreation Division of Boating and Waterways, and the San Diego Yacht Club Sailing Foundation, as well as through individual donations from camp parents generously contributed during registration.

Current military and veterans are encouraged to apply for the Andy Budenz Memorial Campership.

Thank you to all who help ensure access to camp for those in need.