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Registration for Summer is now open!

Camp Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Camp 2020

We hope you are all staying healthy and safe during this extraordinary time. Along with the rest of the nation and the world, together we have been adjusting to a different way of life. The current COVID-19 situation is constantly changing, and we are actively working to adapt based on the most current guidance from federal, state and local health officials. As we continue to monitor the latest information, we are hopeful and optimistic that we will be able to offer modified camp programming that complies with federal, state and local guidelines. The health and safety of our campers and staff remain our top concern as we develop our plan for programming.

At this time, registration continues to be paused while we await the final guidance from federal, state and county health officials. We expect that physical distancing and other restrictions will remain in place even once it is safe to reopen. When we know more about our expected reopening, we will communicate our plan for an alternate camp structure once we know it will meet or exceed guidelines, and will provide the safest environment possible. Please note that this will require you to reselect your camp activities if you are already registered for this summer (see below). While camp may look different from past seasons, with changes such as limited enrollment and smaller groups, we continue our commitment to providing access to high quality, safe, and exceptionally fun outdoor experiences.

Please see our Frequently Asked Questions below for additional information on the upcoming camp season.

We greatly appreciate your understanding, adaptability and patience during this time, and we are looking forward to when we can get together again for fun on the water.

Will camp be running this summer?

On June 5th the state issued Industry Guidance for Day Camps and the County of San Diego has approved day camps to operated under certain restrictions this summer. We will be communicating our plan for an modified camp structure once we confirm it will meet or exceed guidelines, and will provide the safest environment possible. Please note that this will require you to reselect your camp activities if you are already registered for this summer. While camp may look different from past seasons, with changes such as limited enrollment and smaller groups, we continue our commitment to providing access to high quality, safe, and exceptionally fun outdoor experiences.

What information will help support your decision to operate camp this summer?

Our modified plan for Summer 2020 camp operations was developed with guidance and consultation from multiple resources, experts, and public health officials including:

  • Centers for Disease Control COVID-19 Considerations for Youth and Summer Camps
  • American Camp Association Field Guide for Camps on Implementation of CDC Guidance
  • California Department of Public Health COVID-19 Industry Guidance: Day Camps
  • County of San Diego Public Health Orders

What would be the earliest date camp will begin?

We are hopeful to begin to ramp up camp starting June 29.

What will camp look like this summer?

We are developing a plan to alter the camp structure to follow the guidelines from the state, federal, and local health officials to facilitate a safe environment. While many changes may be behind the scenes, many will be noticable, such as limitations on enrollment, separation of camp groups, altered pick-up/drop-off procedures, and additional health screening measures to ensure that campers are healthy when they are admitted to camp. We will communicate details about the alternate plan in the near future.

What if I am already registered for a camp this summer?

Due to the anticipated changes in the camp structure and offerings we will be cancelling your current registration and will credit your account to be used during a priority registration period as we roll out a new limited enrollment schedule. At that time you will be able to re-register for camp up to the value of your credit a day before the schedule becomes available.. We would be happy to provide you a refund if preferred, however, you will not be eligible for the priority registration period. Refunds will be issued by check and will take a minimum of 2-3 weeks to process. You will receive an email with instructions in the coming days.

What is the refund policy?

We understand the uncertainties of our current climate and have adapted our refund policy to provide the greatest flexibility. Should you have any concerns about your camper’s health or attendance in camp for any reason, please let us know and we will be happy to provide a full refund prior to the start of camp. A healthy camp starts at home. Campers who show any sign of illness, or who may have come in contact with an ill individual, should be kept home and will be provided a full or partial refund. No doctor’s note is required.

Do you have any resources to offer while my kids are at home?

We are posting fun and educational resources on our Facebook and Instagram pages for campers to continue to learn, connect with the ocean, and interact with the watersports they love. If you have any related content that you think would be valuable to share, please email us at

Is financial aid available?

Financial assistance is available for some families with economic hardships during this pandemic. This assistance is made possible through grants and donations provided by The California State Parks Division of Boating and Waterways, the San Diego Yacht Club Sailing Foundation, US Sailing, and through generous donations from our community. Please refer to our camperships page for more information on eligibility, availability, and how to apply.

 For those in a position to do so, this is a great time to donate to ensure access to camp for families in need. To make a donation, please visit

Registration for Summer is now open!